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KT-76A Plug-In Replacement
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Includes Tray & Install Kit
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Mode S Transponder
00220-00-01 - Transponder Only (for Plug-In Replacement for
P/N 00225-00-01 - Includes Tray and Install Kit for new installations
TT31 is a power efficient, inexpensive, Mode S general aviation
transponder. The TT31 meets the European elementary surveillance
requirements, and fits the same mounting tray as the popular KT76A/78A
transponder, making it ideal for both new and retrofit installations.
TT31 front panel has a backlit graphic display that provides easy
access to the transponder functions, including setting of the
Flight ID. Squawk code and Flight ID input uses a conventional
rotary knob, and all functions are easily operated.
Current and Future Mandates
The TT31 transponder is an ED-73B Class 1 compliant Mode S level
2 datalink transponder, with support for extended squitter. It
meets all the current requirements for non-diversity Mode S elementary
surveillance transponders in Europe for both IFR and VFR flight.
TT31 also supports 1090 MHz Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
(ADS-B) extended squitter, known as ADS-B out. By
linking the TT31 to your existing GPS receiver, the TT31 can transmit
position information to appropriately equipped ground stations
and other aircraft. This provides improved airborne surveillance,
provides vital information for airport ground surveillance, and
is a key feature of future airspace plans.
Power Design
The TT31 uses as little as half the electrical power of the leading
competitor, and half the power of most legacy transponders, whilst
still retaining a fully backlit display and transmitting a higher
power signal. This is achieved by using modern high efficiency
design techniques and making best use of the power available.
of the biggest reliability challenges for General Aviation avionics
products is heat, and by reducing power consumption, we have significantly
reduced waste heat in the avionics stack. This means greater reliability
for ALL your avionics, not just the TT31, and puts less load on
the electrical system and battery of your aircraft.

The TT31 is designed to be compatible with both legacy and new
panels. The flexible power input means that 14 volt and 28 volt
systems can be accommodated without any special configuration
or dropper resistors (we recommend that any dropper resistor fitted
for a previous transponder should always be removed). Automatic
and manual panel lighting selections mean that an attractive presentation
will be available in the simplest panel installations. And the
TT31 is compatible with both parallel and serial altitude encoders;
it can even act as a serial altitude repeater to provide a convenient
altitude source for your GPS. Mechanically the TT31 follows an
industry standard form factor, and if you are upgrading from a
KT76A or KT78A transponder, the TT31 is a simple plugand- play
the TT31 Operating Manual (PDF)
Download the TT31 Installation
Manual (PDF)
* Mode A, C, S
* Supports TIS-A on Garmin 396/496/696
* Low Power Consumption
* No Cavity Tube
* 240 Watts Nominal Output
* Plug and Play Installation
* Backlit LCD Display
* Easy to Use Rotary Knobs
* Timer/Stopwatch Function
* Altitude Monitor
* Certified 1090ES ADS-B out
* Type: Class 1 Mode S Level 2 Datalink
* Certification: ETSO 2C112b, TSO C112 166B
* Compliance: ED73B, DO160D, DO178B level B, DO181C, DO260A
* Supply Voltage (DC): 10 33 V
* Typical Current Consumption: Idle: 0.22 A
* (at 14V) Active: 0.45 A
* Transmitter Power: 240W nominal at connector
* Operating Temperature: -20 to +55 C
* Cooling Requirement: No fan required
* Weight: 2.98 lbs